Latest gallery update: October, 2024.

Latest News

(January 2025) Sadly, after having my work available for purchase through the FIne Art America site for the past twelve years, I have now decided to remove it due to my growing dissatisfaction with the way they operate the business. For now, my work will only be avilable through Art Lovers Australia or direct from Seaside Artists Gallery at Redcliffe (Qld). If there is a piece on this site that you are interested in but is not on the ALA site, please contact me and I'll be happy to add it. Apologies for any inconvenience. The decision to leave FAA was not taken lightly.

(August 2024) I have now decided to work almost exclusively in infrared. After converting a medium format camera for the purpose and making some changes to the way I process the images, I think the results are outstanding in their gorgeous detail and tonality. So, be sure to check out my newest gallery devoted to this work, called Infrared MF.

(February 2024) I have just joined the wonderful Art Lovers Australia. I will be gradually adding the best of my work to their site, where it will be available for purchase. Particularly good news for those in Australia. Drop by for a look!

(November 2023) I have added a new gallery - Impressions - to showcase old, new and newly reworked images, rendered in a beautiful, dreamy style.

(2 February 2020) As I am no longer adding anything new to my old blog (and haven't for quite some time), I thought it would be best if I deleted the now essentially redundant tab from the main menu at the top of the page. For anyone who may be still interested in my random ramblings from a few years back, Thoughts of a Merely Labelled Photographer can be seen here.

(5 December 2019) The Perutz Project is here! I can't deny that digital imaging has provided fantastic opportunities for creative works that simply weren't possible previously. But having said that, a bit like those rediscovering vinyl LPs for their favourite music, I have recently been feeling some nostalgia for the days when film was the only option. There was a certain quality and charm to photographs taken on film, reflected in my recent efforts to reproduce my older digital pictures in a style reminiscent of the days of black and white film prints. Now I have turned to virtually the polar opposite - soft, luminous colour that emulates the pictures I remember my dad used to take on transparency film, primarily the Perutz brand (later swallowed up by Agfa), hence the name of the gallery. I love the results, which have a gorgeous, open feel and unique, very appealing colour balance.

(2 December 2019) Postcard from Tomorrow: I have just added this new image to the Monochrome gallery, which is my humble comment on the distressingly increasing effects of climate change that we are all now really beginning to see and feel. It is a picture I took recently of a reservoir here in Australia, which starkly illustrates the effect of the serious drought that is affecting much of the country. The lake was over 100 feet deep in places. The normal high-water mark can be seen near the top of the hill to the left. The foreground tree would have been deep underwater since the lake was created in the 1950s. Catastrophic bushfires are right now destroying vast areas of eastern Australia and some towns, particularly in western NSW are almost out of water entirely. There are actually five versions of this image in various formats, from this mock postcard, to wide, panoramic views that better illustrate the parched country where the picture was taken. To save space, only one is here, but if you are interested in seeing the others, please contact me.

(7 November 2019) Change is inevitable, I guess. After the past few years of being occupied by other things and doing very little by way of photographs, I've been able to return to it with a fresh perspective, mixed with a good dose of nostalgia for the old days before digital, when film was king. With that in mind, I returned to all my earlier work since 2013 and reworked all the best images from the original files, to emulate the feel and quality I used to enjoy producing in a real darkroom. Everything is in black and white, mostly cropped to the traditional square format and with a nice wide, white border to really set them off. I'm delighted with the results and hope you will be too. There were so many that I had to rearrange the site to accommodate them, replacing the old Gallery 2 with one dedicated just to Monochromes. Although again, with so many new versions it was best to put the monochrome infrareds in the Infrared gallery, leaving more space in the new gallery for the regular ones. Please enjoy the new look and as always, don't hesitate to send me your thoughts via the contact page.

(6 June 2019) I now have a dedicated mobile device page but the detail and subtlety in my images means that such devices are not the optimal way to view them, so the page only provides a small selection of images and suggests that viewing is better here on a desktop display or on the Art Lovers Australia site.

(6 June 2019) My new picture Syzygy - The Last Perfect Day was a finalist in both the Milburn and Moreton Bay Art Awards for this year. It is available, as are many of my other works, at Art Lovers Australia

(17 December 2018) Found some nice old press photos from the 1980s and 90s, including some celebrities like Bono and Sting, so I've added them to the Press gallery.

(21 January 2017) I have deleted my video tutorials from today. Not much interest, so didn't seem much point in keeping them. I hope it doesn't disappoint too much.

(1 October 2016) Yes, I'm still here. If anyone is still interested, I have added two new images to Gallery One.  Clearly, not much happening these days but as promised, I'll add any new ones that come along. I'm always happy to hear feedback, if you would like to write. Thanks, as always, for stopping by.

(22 November 2015) So, with one thing and another happening lately, I am no longer working professionally as a press photographer and for the while, will be putting photography in general, on the back-burner. This includes the changes mentioned in the previous news item, about no new blog entires or videos. As a mark of my many years working in newspapers, I have added a new gallery with a selection of my pictures made over that time. My life was essentially devoted to photography, so I guess it's fitting that I have the full range of imagery I have made, represented on this site. No doubt, I'll have newer art to add sometime in the future, but I can't say at this stage when that might be. As always, thanks very much for visiting and I'm still contactable if you have questions about anything.

(10 October 2015) There have been big changes around here lately. More on that later but for now, I have discontinued my blog at  FWIW, the old version still exists at, albeit without any of the newer posts since it moved away at this time last year.  No more new videos at The Grumpy Photographer either, at least for the while. Apologies for any incovenience.

(19 August 2015) Important news! I only have a few boxes left of my book Paths to Artistic Imaging in Photoshop, so to move the remaining copies, I have reduced the price for local customers from the regular $59.95 to just $35, with flat-rate shipping of $15 anywhere in Australia. My previous offer for those outside Australia and the US remains available too; the book and shipping for AU$80. Those in the US should still  be able to get the book from Half Price Books. As I said, there aren't very many left, so if you've been procrastinating, act now, because when they're gone, they're gone! See the Tutorial Book tab above to buy now from this site.

(15 August 2015) I have had the privilege of again being chosen by US author Dan Margulis to be a member of the Beta-reader team for his newest book, the 10th anniversary second edition of Photoshop LAB Color.  (Right) An essential read for anyone serious about their work in Photoshop by the doyen of LAB! It is available from Amazon and Peachpit. There is even a chapter devoted to contributions from the Beta-readers, including something from me about my use of LAB in processing my infrared images.

(6 July 2015) Now that my book is no longer on Amazon, availability outside of Australia and the US has become a problem. Therefore, I have added a new button on the book page to enable delivery outside those countries, with the book discounted to offset the awful cost of international postage from Australia. ($50-$60)

(20 April 2015) The Grumpy Photographer has officially arrived! (Right) Who could resist such a charming and knowledgeable looking chap?! If you haven't checked the Video tab yet, you're missing out and there's more to come!

Topics so far include: Colour Correction, Use of the Apply Image command, Sharpening, How to effectively use the Adobe Camera Raw module, The LAB colour space, Texture application,  Adding dramatic skies in landscape shots and my own special method of enhancing image depth, colour and quality. **Sorry. no longer available. See above**

(14 April 2015) I've just returned from a very enjoyable trip to Sydney, to give a full-day presentation to the St George Leagues Photographic Society. On the way down, I also visited the Tamworth Camera Club for a fun evening of Photoshop shenanigans. Everyone seemed to enjoy and get lot from my ramblings and it was a great experience for me too. A big thanks to all involved for their enthusiasm and hospitality!

(23 March 2015) Colourised historic pictures! This is something that I have been wanting to do for quite awhile and have finally managed to make a start! Just two to begin with, from the American Library of Congress. They can be viewed in the Historic Image gallery . If you are interested in purchasing one of them, please contact me. (Original image on the left, colourised to the right).

(5 March 2015) I have begun creating some video tutorials on all things Photoshop and digital imaging. **Sorry. no longer available. See above**

(14 February 2015) A great experience at Create World 2015. Thanks to all involved! While there, I took the Adobe Certification exam and received my Associate Certification (right).

(28 January 2015) My book is no longer on sale new from Amazon. (However, used copies are sometimes still available there, so check anyway!) The remaining new copies have been purchased by Half Price Books in the US and can be obtained from them until stocks run out. It is still available in Australia, of course. See the Tutorial Book tab for info.

(15 November 2014) As Gallery 1 was becoming somewhat full and I have been completing a lot more pictures in infrared lately, I have decided that it would be easier to separate those images into a new dedicated gallery. Enjoy!

(8 October 2014) As you may have already noticed, I have updated the design of my site. I hope you will agree that it is a big improvement. I have optimised it for larger, wider screen monitors, which I think most people these days have. Let me know what you think and feel free to contact me if you have any issues with the new layout on your particular monitor or browser.

(May 18, 2014) Q&A about my book at Good Reading Magazine.  Maybe of interest to potential readers!

(March 30, 2014) I have just completed a bonus chapter for my book, which I will make available for free download, as a little thank-you to buyers. It is all you ever wanted to know about Adobe Camera Raw but didn’t know to ask. I will offer it to all new purchasers of my book and will contact as many past buyers as I can. If you have bought the book previously and would like the new chapter, write to me via the contact page and I’ll send it to you.

(March 10, 2014) My good friend and beta-reader of my book, Marco Olivotto in Italy, has just posted an interview with me about the book, on his blog. You can see it here.

(February 28, 2014) A very good article about my new book in Brisbane’s Courier-Mail newspaper today (right).

(February 17, 2014) News Flash! I’ll be interviewed about my new book on Spencer Howson’s 612 ABC breakfast show here in Brisbane, around 6am tomorrow (Tuesday 18). Tune in! Update: The show went very well, I think! A very enjoyable chat with Spencer. Interview recording

(January 23, 2014) My book is now available on Amazon, for those outside Australia!

(December 15, 2013) I’m delighted to say that yesterday’s official launch by Mayor Allan Sutherland was a fantastic event. (Left) The function room at the Redcliffe Library was full and I was extremely grateful for the very kind and flattering speeches made by both the Mayor and my friend Les Harden. Thanks to all who attended, including councillors Koliana Winchester, Brian Battersby, Mike Charlton and James Houghton.

(November 4, 2013) My new book, “Paths to Artistic Imaging in Photoshop” has arrived and is available for purchase! See the Tutorial Book tab above.

(April 13, 2013) My new blog launched -

(December 2012) New page added of wonderful historic photographs from the American Library of Congress, which I have processed from the originals to create stunningly detailed and beautiful pictures (example right).

(October 2012) Works “Silent Sorrow” and “Carina Over Redcliffe” (left) selected for display at Salon de la Photo 2012 in Paris.

(April 2012) - Picture “Across the Bridge Where Angels Dwell” (right) wins Open Photo section of the Bluewater Art Exhibition.

Russ Brown - Photographic Art

© Russell Brown 2011-2025 - No image may be reproduced without permission